Dear artist,
I would like to invite you to collaborate in selling your artwork to the members of the NEUNION-Community through our ART-Gallery of NEUNION – THE UNITY WINS.
For this purpose I would like to make you a fair and lucrative cooperation offer:
1. There are no costs for you, neither for the presentation nor for the sale of your artworks at NEUNION – THE UNITY WINS.
2. As long as you are represented with an artwork in our ART-Gallery, you get free access to NEUNION – THE UNITY WINS.
3. If a member of the NEUNION-Community buys one of your artworks, we only charge a commission of 25 per cent on the sales proceeds.
4. 10 per cent of the proceeds from the sale of your artwork go to our Charity-ART-Counter.
These costs are NOT covered by you either, but by the NEUNION-Community.
Technical prerequisites for successful cooperation:
1. File formats for upload: jpeg, pdf
2. Pixel size: longest edge 1280 px / 72 dpi
3. For sculptures: front view, rear view, side view right/left (optional)
Prerequisite for a successful presentation / sale:
1. Name/Pseudonym
2. Information about: titel, type, size and material of the artwork
3. Quotation in Euro
4. Short vita of your artistic work (optional)
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me:
Office: +49 – (0)40 – 85 40 67 26
Cell phone: +49 – (0)151 – 27 25 20 66
I would be happy if you would say yes to my offer and help the NEUNION-Community to promote global charity projects.
If you are interested, you can download the current cooperation agrement document here and please, send them to
Please, use for uploading your artworks WETRANSFER and send it to:
Thank you for your attention.
Eyk Himmel
The Founder